
Public Less Fearful Of Terrorist Attack ( If your neighbors and friends pooh-pooh Tom Ridge, they're a danger to you.
Coshocton reflects on native soldier who died in Iraq - Always remember: a cycle can be broken at any point on its path.

This family has established a memorial scholarship fund, "to help students who find themselves in the same position as Paul was in 1998 [when he joined the Army] -- wanting to go to college but without the means to do so."

Tuesday "Lumping minor crimes under the terrorism label could wrongly heighten public anxiety and provide a questionable rationale for more anti-terror resources"
Victory Slipping Away for Black Farmers ( "The Department of Agriculture has denied payments to almost 90 percent of black farmers who sought compensation for discrimination under a landmark court settlement the agency reached with African American growers five years ago...The Justice Department spent 56,000 hours of attorney and paralegal time challenging 129 claims, and billed USDA $12 million."
WorkingForChange-This Modern World: The Sensible Liberal