
Abandoned weaponry litters Iraq / U.S. faulted for not securing Hussein-era munitions: "the United States, in its haste to dismantle Saddam Hussein's rule, has left thousands of pounds of munitions unguarded and accessible to looters and criminals."
Yahoo! News - White House threw up wall to block energy information: report: "The result is not just bad decisions on energy, but a rejection of the principles of open government and public accountability."


GAO Investigators: Cheney Stifled Energy Probe (washingtonpost.com): "This report is a sad chronicle of the efforts of the office of the vice president to hide its activities from the American people"
Report says limited cooperation thwarts a full review of Cheney's energy task force: "Investigators said none of the main federal agencies involved in the task force gave a complete accounting"
nbc4columbus.com - News - Voinovich Won't Return Donations From Jailed Executive


Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Gary Younge: God help America
Guardian Unlimited Politics | Special Reports | PM deeply involved in outing of Kelly: "The documents reveal an obsessiveness at the heart of government "
Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting: The National Media Watch Group Journalists Find "Calm" When Only Palestinians Die
Roy's Rock "the Constitution says that government will not establish a state religion, and by sanctioning Protestant Christianity as Alabama’s religion, he’s left everybody else out of the loop"
Yahoo! News - Experts Doubt U.S. Claim on Iraqi Drones: "Despite the Bush administration's public assertions, these unmanned aerial vehicles weren't designed to dispense biological or chemical weapons. "
Low-income students failing - lancastereaglegazette.com: "There's a pretty direct correlation between school performance and family income. Certainly, many people don't want to hear that, and certainly our politicians don't want to hear that."
Sunday Herald: "the United Nations headquarters in Baghdad were bombed is because the UN has been taken over by the US and turned into a 'dark joke' and a 'malignant force'"
When is Enough Enough? US Voters turn against Bush
Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity: Insults to Intelligence
Yahoo! News - Ala. Judge Relents on Monument: "'This case has been about politics all along,' she said. 'Now he gets to point the finger at the other eight justices.'"