
Blix: 'I learnt I had been vilified, crucified and made to look like an imbecile': "I understood his formulations to say: the witches exist; you are appointed to deal with these witches; testing whether there are witches is only a dilution of the witch hunt."


Rall: Pulled Comic Because of Conservatives: "If newspapers don't have the personnel to handle hate mail, said Rall, 'just delete it.'"


Greenspan: Maestro of Chutzpah / News / Boston Globe / Opinion / Editorials / Gun bill's gaping holes: "Firearms and tobacco are already the only two consumer industries that are not subject to federal consumer safety regulations. Tobacco, at least, has been held accountable in suits brought by states and individuals on behalf of smoking's millions of victims and the budget-busting medical bills that government health programs have to pick up because of tobacco use. That legal recourse also would be denied to victims of guns under the bill."