
NBC: Disagreement over timing of arrests - Lisa Myers & the NBC Investigative Unit - "an attack was not imminent, saying the suspects had not yet purchased any airline tickets. In fact, some did not even have passports"


Bush staff wanted bomb-detect cash moved - Yahoo! News: "the Bush administration was quietly seeking permission to divert $6 million that was supposed to be spent this year developing new homeland explosives detection technology"
Pakistan arrested 2 Britons last week linked to plot - Yahoo! News If they made arrests 10 days ago, why wait until now to raise the warning level?
Tip Followed '05 Attacks on London Transit Release of old news well timed.
Mercenary Jackpot
Bush seeks political gains from foiled plot - Yahoo! News: "Weeks before September 11th, this is going to play big,' said another White House official, who also spoke on condition of not being named"


Months-long bond hearing in Boulis murder case ends: South Florida Sun-Sentinel
- -: "Noe sentencing in federal case set for Sept. 12"
Israel backed by army of cyber-soldiers - Newspaper Edition - Times Online
War Crimes Act Changes Would Reduce Threat Of Prosecution - Transcripts: "One of the things that is going on, according to some U.S. military analysts, is that Israel purposely has left pockets of Hezbollah rockets in Lebanon, because as long as they're being rocketed, they can continue to have a sort of moral equivalency in their operations in Lebanon."


AP Wire | 08/08/2006 | Ohio law may complicate GOP plans in choosing Ney replacement: "One Republican strategist, speaking on condition of anonymity, said lawyers had concluded Padgett was likely covered by the so-called political sore loser's law and thus would not be eligible to run."
Democracy Now! | Former President of Morgan Stanley Int'l: "It's Now Considered the American War Against the Arabs...It Will Take Us Decades to Recover from What We've Done"