
Moussaoui Asks Supreme Court to Ban al Qaeda Witnesses (washingtonpost.com) From Cassel's June, 2003 piece on Chertoff: "Next, we can expect the Supreme Court to be closed, can't we?" From this morning's Post: "The Moussaoui brief is classified and was filed with a court security officer yesterday in the basement of the federal courthouse in Alexandria before being sent to the Supreme Court....a redacted copy [will] be released after a security review."
The New York Times > Opinion > Op-Ed Columnist: The Iceberg Cometh: "It's the standard Bush administration tactic: invent a fake crisis to bully people into doing what you want."
Elaine Cassel: Michael Chertoff, Ashcroft's Top Gremlin


CJR January/February 2005: Blog-Gate "[T]he coverage of Memogate effectively killed the story of Bush’s Guard years. Those who kept asking questions found themselves counted among the journalistic fringe."
Who Owns What CJR's guide to media conglomerates.


MSNBC - 'The Salvador Option': "What everyone agrees is that we can't just go on as we are"
Los Angeles Times: Doctor's Orders -- Spill Your Guts: "A medical degree, Tornberg told us, isn't a 'sacramental vow.' When a doctor participates in interrogation, 'he's not functioning as a physician,' and the Hippocratic ideal of fidelity to patients is beside the point."