
Conyers Calls for Hearings on Spy Case: "U.S.district attorney in charge of the probe, Paul McNulty, has ordered the FBI not to move forward with arrests that they were prepared to make last Friday "
....Mr. McNulty was only assigned the case by Attorney General Ashcroft last Friday when federal agents came to Aipac’s offices in Washington to request files and hard drives. “Ashcroft wanted to make sure this case was being handled properly,” the source familiar with the probe said. “I would not expect any action on this for at least three weeks.” This source added that a grand jury is now being selected, but it was likely the charges,initially reported as espionage, would be scaled back to the mishandling of classified information. | Lawyers ask judge for access to papers McNulty is leading the pentagon investigation.


Change at CDC Draws Protest ( "the move has drawn protests from virtually every occupational health and safety organization in the country, including some representing labor and others more aligned with corporate management -- groups that usually are at policy loggerheads but that have shared interests in good science."


The Unofficial Paul Krugman Web Page: "For a long time, anyone suggesting analogies with Vietnam was ridiculed. But Iraq optimists have, by my count, already declared victory three times. First there was 'Mission Accomplished' - followed by an escalating insurgency. Then there was the capture of Saddam - followed by April's bloody uprising. Finally there was the furtive transfer of formal sovereignty to Ayad Allawi, with implausible claims that this showed progress - a fantasy exploded by the guns of August."

Tuesday / News / Nation / 2d probe at the Pentagon examines actions on Iraq Besides Iraq, Feith & co. wanted war with Iran & Syria. Who would have guessed?
Politics News Article | "Former Aide to N.J. Governor Will Not File Lawsuit" Anyone surprised?


Still We Rise
Light Up The Sky
Republicans successfully isolate delegates from protests: "After touring the city, we returned to our hotel, and I flipped on the TV. With surprise, I watched protesters and marches that had taken place. It seemed as if I were in a different city."