
Dana Milbank - What the Family Would Let You See, the Pentagon Obstructs -

Dana Milbank - What the Family Would Let You See, the Pentagon Obstructs -

The Associated Press: Talk of firing Chicago's US attorney cited at Rezko trial

The Associated Press: Talk of firing Chicago's US attorney cited at Rezko trial: "a government witness claims Rezko discussed efforts among top Republicans, including former White House political director Karl Rove and GOP national committeeman Robert Kjellander, to have Fitzgerald fired to derail a corruption probe"

Border Agents Can Search Laptops Without Cause, Appeals Court Rules | Threat Level from

Border Agents Can Search Laptops Without Cause, Appeals Court Rules | Threat Level from

VeriChip goes consumer with its implantable RFID chips; Would you buy? | Between the Lines |

VeriChip goes consumer with its implantable RFID chips; Would you buy? | Between the Lines |
2008 Annual Arab Public Opinion
(PDF file) Key Findings - Iraq: Only 6% of Arabs polled believe that the American surge has wo: worked. A plurality (35% ) do not believe reports that violence has in fact declined. Over 61% believe that if the US were to withdraw from Iraq, Iraqis will find a way to bridge their differences, and only 15% believe the civil war would expand. 81% of Arabs polled (outside Iraq) believe that the Iraqis are worse off than they were before the Iraq war.

Technology Review: Part I: Brain Trauma in Iraq

Technology Review: Part I: Brain Trauma in Iraq

Technology Review: Part II: Brain Trauma in Iraq

Technology Review: Part II: Brain Trauma in Iraq

Interference at the EPA

Interference at the EPA