
Oakland Tribune Online - Local & Regional News: "The UC Berkeley report has not been peer reviewed, but a reputable MIT political scientist succeeded in replicating the analysis Thursday at the request of the Oakland Tribune and The Associated Press. He said an investigation is warranted.....'Seven professors later, nobody's been able to poke a hole in our model,' Mangels said. 'Our results still hold up.'"
Surprising Florida Presidential Election Results: "Pinpointing Precincts with Vote-Counting Errors"
Outsourcing the Pentagon - The Center for Public Integrity


U.S. ELECTION: Democracy in Question
UC DATA Home Page Working Paper: The Effect of Electronic Voting Machines on Change in Support for Bush in the 2004 Florida Elections


Summaries of voting problems nationwide, with links. 327 entries so far.
Attack on Fallujah can't be justified
White House Orders Purge of CIA 'Liberals,' Sources Say Ignorance is strength