
Tami Longaberger speaks out about state of company - "'We continue to right-size the business,' she said," after announcing an additional 215 layoffs, a week after 784 workers were laid off.

And you thought "downsizing" was a euphemism.
t r u t h o u t - William Rivers Pitt | When the Rabbits Get a Gun Osama bin Laden went to King Fahd of Saudi Arabia, home of the holiest sites of Islam. The royal family was not to be found anywhere on bin Laden's list of friends at the time. A shrewd observer of local politics, bin Laden knew that the Saudi government enjoyed having the Palestinians living in squalor, bereft of homeland and hope, because it distracted the fundamentalists within Saudi Arabia from focusing on the inequities within their own country. With the crooking of a single oil-rich finger, the Saudi royals could solve the Palestinian problem. Their refusal to do so fed bin Laden's rage, for in his mind, they were aiding and abetting what he saw as an intolerable Israeli apartheid.


17,000 GIs Not Listed as Casualties: "17,000 GIs Not Listed As Casualties "
Guardian Unlimited | Guardian daily comment | Far graver than Vietnam: "Most senior US military officers now believe the war on Iraq has turned into a disaster on an unprecedented scale "


No justice for Hicks in flawed trial: QC: "One member [of the tribunal] admitted during the hearing he had previously said the inmates at Guantanamo Bay were all terrorists."
U.S. Plans to Divert Iraq Money (


The Daily Telegraph | Journalists 'get terror tip-offs'
Robert Novak Believes in Revealing Confidential Sources, After All:
"'HUNT: Robert Novak, you're saying CBS should reveal its source?
HUNT: You do? You think reporters ought to reveal sources?
NOVAK: No, no. Wait a minute.
HUNT: I'm just asking.
NOVAK: I'm just saying in that case.'"
Yahoo! News - U.N. Agency to Study Environment in Iraq: "The British government has given the agency detailed information on locations where it used 1.9 tonnes of depleted uranium in the south of Iraq, but the U.S. government hasn't come forward with the same information despite requests from the United Nations."


Guardian | Colin Powell in four-letter neo-con 'crazies' row: "Colin Powell described neo-conservatives in the Bush administration as 'fucking crazies' during the build-up to war in Iraq." A review of President Bush's National Guard years raises issues about the time he served (9/20/04): Left-wing whackos at US News & World Report? "The White House has said that Bush's service should be calculated using 12-month periods beginning on his induction date in May 1968. Using this time frame, however, Bush still fails the Air Force obligation standard."
CounterPunch: "America's Best Political Newsletter" In This Election Reality is Off the Table