
KR Washington Bureau | 12/17/2004 | American consumers suffering as more new drugs debut in U.S., analysis shows: "in 1992, just before Congress directed the FDA to speed up drug approvals, there was an average of one adverse drug reaction for every 16,300 prescriptions filled. In 2003, adverse reactions hit one in 9,000."


Aggressive policy on North Korea backfires for US - World - "A leading Russian expert on the country, Georgy Toloraya, has warned that the underlying objective of Mr Bush's neo-conservative advisers - to bring down Kim Jong-il's regime - would, if successful, lead to a long-running civil war on the Korean peninsula that would be 'worse than Iraq'."
Probe may be trouble for Ney - "Ney will likely survive the controversy because the issue does not resonate in his rural, predominately Republican district."

Values, schmalues.


MSNBC - Ohio offers lessons for 2008: "It happens every election"


Pentagon Ousts Official Under FBI Investigation: "In a letter to Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, Shaw expanded on the accusations made in his previous report, charging that Defense Undersecretary Douglas J. Feith, his former law partner L. Marc Zell and Ahmad Chalabi, leader of the Iraqi National Congress party, were also involved in the conspiracy. "