
You thought the US pledged 10% of its H1N1 vaccine to the WHO for developing countries? Bwa-ha-ha. You obviously mistook us for a country who was planning to donate something other than 10% of what we were going to throw away anyway.

Meanwhile, Australia is behaving "egregious[ly]" by not giving us all the vaccine we want, before they have enough. Shame on them.

Fort Hood has felt the strain of repeated deployments -

Fort Hood has felt the strain of repeated deployments - "The psychological toll on the all-volunteer force today is unprecedented, Army officials say, acknowledging that they do not know how much the Army can sustain before it breaks"

GRAIN | New from GRAIN | 10-2009 - Small farmers can cool the world

GRAIN | New from GRAIN | 10-2009 - Small farmers can cool the world: "Soils contain enormous amounts of carbon, mostly in the form of organic matter. Evidence provided in this issue of Seedling shows that industrial agriculture over the last half century has led to the leaching out into the atmosphere of large amounts of this carbon. A coordinated global programme, based on simple farming principles, could gradually put back into the soil the organic matter lost over past decades. Available data shows that within 50 years we could capture at least 450 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide, more than two thirds of the current excess CO2 in the atmosphere."

Gunman Kills 12 At Fort Hood Army Base, Suspect Alive -

Gunman Kills 12 At Fort Hood Army Base, Suspect Alive - "The incident raised new questions about the toll that six years of continuous fighting in Iraq and nearly eight years of fighting in Afghanistan have taken on the U.S. military and on individual soldiers, many of whom have been on several combat tours."