
Voters contend they were duped into registering as Republicans - Los Angeles Times

Voters contend they were duped into registering as Republicans - Los Angeles Times "Elections officials and lawmakers have launched investigations into the activities of YPM staff in Florida and Massachusetts. In Arizona, the firm was recently a defendant in a civil rights lawsuit. Prosecutors in Los Angeles and Ventura counties say they are investigating complaints about the company..... It all sounds familiar to Beverly Hill, a Democrat and the former elections supervisor in Florida's Alachua County. About 200 voters -- mostly college students -- were unwittingly registered as Republicans there in 2004 by YPM staffers using the same tactic, Hill said."

The San Bernardino County story is several weeks old and extensively reported in local media - and just now making the Local section of the LA Times.


Freegans and FreeCycling Gain Fans - BusinessWeek

Freegans and FreeCycling Gain Fans - BusinessWeek: "Freecycle now has 6 million members internationally, and since Wall Street imploded it has been registering 50,000 more each week, up from 25,000 previously. Freecycle and the Freegans are among the fastest-growing groups on Yahoo!"
Experiments in Field Drawing on Vimeo The RFID pen maps out the fields surrounding an RFID tag.

RFID ("Ar-fid") chips represent an easy solution to tracking people or things. The chips are embedded in everything: cars, shoes, cell phones and clothing. Useful for retailers tracking inventory, but after the goods are sold the chips remain track-able. Buying chipped merchandise with a credit card links the RFID chip in the merchandise to your identity. RFID readers can be programmed to send an alert whenever your RFID chip is nearby.

Of course, you're a law-abiding citizen so you have no concerns about ubiquitous monitoring and surveillance.

YouTube - Rev. Arnold Conrad at McCain Rally - Jesus versus Obama?

YouTube - Rev. Arnold Conrad at McCain Rally - Jesus versus Obama? McCain's God is bigger than your God. Electoral Projections Done Right Electoral Projections Done Right