
Uneasy Engagement - China, Willing to Spend, Wins a Trove of Afghan Copper - Series -

Uneasy Engagement - China, Willing to Spend, Wins a Trove of Afghan Copper - Series - "While the United States spends hundreds of billions of dollars fighting the Taliban and Al Qaeda here, China is securing raw material for its voracious economy."

Sarah and Her Tribe - The New York Review of Books

Sarah and Her Tribe - The New York Review of Books: "Going Rogue, in other words, is a four-hundred-page paean to virtuous ignorance."

Is aviation security mostly for show? -

Is aviation security mostly for show? - "Once a society starts circumventing its own laws, the risks to its future stability are much greater than terrorism."


Opinion: Big oil gets the biggest U.S. energy subsidies of all - San Jose Mercury News

Opinion: Big oil gets the biggest U.S. energy subsidies of all - San Jose Mercury News: "Today, the oil industry receives north of $100 billion per year in subsidies and collateral support. This is the equivalent of one AIG bailout per year, every year."


AP INVESTIGATION - Monsanto Seed Biz Role Revealed -

AP INVESTIGATION - Monsanto Seed Biz Role Revealed - "''We now believe that Monsanto has control over as much as 90 percent of (seed genetics). This level of control is almost unbelievable.''"

The mystery of Zomia - The Boston Globe

The mystery of Zomia - The Boston Globe: "a place where people go to escape the raw deal that complex civilization historically has been for those at the bottom: the coerced labor and conscription into military service, the taxation for wars and pharaonic building projects, the epidemic diseases that came with intensive agriculture and animal husbandry."

Friday - Congressman Kucinich's Response to President Obama's "Just War" Doctrine - Congressman Kucinich's Response to President Obama's "Just War" Doctrine: "War is often not just; sometimes it is just war. And our ability to rethink the terms of our existence, to explore the possibility of peace without war, may well determine whether we end war, or war ends us."


We need a new women's health movement --

We need a new women's health movement -- "What we don't need, no matter how pretty and pink, is a ladies' auxiliary to the cancer-industrial complex."

Yahoo, Verizon: Our Spy Capabilities Would ‘Shock’, ‘Confuse’ Consumers | Threat Level |

Yahoo, Verizon: Our Spy Capabilities Would ‘Shock’, ‘Confuse’ Consumers | Threat Level | "they would be ridiculed and publicly shamed were their surveillance price sheets made public." Your tax dollars at work spying on you.

Rachel Maddow:Obama: War president

Rachel Maddow:Obama: War president


How to Talk to Your Conservative Relatives - Thanksgiving - Gawker

How to Talk to Your Conservative Relatives - Thanksgiving - Gawker: "Just as you would not try to convince a Viking that the sun will not be eaten by a wolf during Ragnarökr"


OpenPV Home

OpenPV Home: "PV installations through time" Some good news for a change.

Guest blogger - Saul Griffith's "Energy Literacy Series" - Boing Boing

Guest blogger - Saul Griffith's "Energy Literacy Series" - Boing Boing: "will help you call bull$#!+ on people at dinner parties who espouse some fantastic new perpetual motion machine."

If Marijuana Production Were Legal: Projected Tax Revenues, by State | Sloshspot Blog

If Marijuana Production Were Legal: Projected Tax Revenues, by State | Sloshspot Blog

If Marijuana Production Were Legal: Projected Tax Revenues, by State | Sloshspot Blog

If Marijuana Production Were Legal: Projected Tax Revenues, by State | Sloshspot Blog

How the Credit Rating Agencies Engineered the Goldman Sachs Bailout - Aig - Gawker

How the Credit Rating Agencies Engineered the Goldman Sachs Bailout - Aig - Gawker: "in 2008, if you wanted to sell an insane securitized mortgage concoction premised on prospective cash flow from monthly receipt of soiled envelopes full of change mailed in by hobos, Standard & Poor's, Moody's, and Fitch would have rated it as investment grade."


Think Progress » Former Bush officials ‘are leading a new business push into Iraq.’

Think Progress » Former Bush officials ‘are leading a new business push into Iraq.’

Armey of ignorance - Paul Krugman Blog -

Armey of ignorance - Paul Krugman Blog - "There’s a persistent delusion, on the part of many pundits, to the effect that we’re actually having a rational political discussion in this country. But we aren’t."

Numbness pervades a post accustomed to war, deaths -

Numbness pervades a post accustomed to war, deaths - "At the center of the monument a bronze soldier, cast from a melted-down sculpture of Saddam Hussein, kneels in grief."

So besides orchestrating the statue(s) being torn down, the US military took the Iraqis' metal.


Transportation For America � Dangerous By Design

Transportation For America � Dangerous By Design

Key oil figures were distorted by US pressure, says whistleblower | Environment | The Guardian

Key oil figures were distorted by US pressure, says whistleblower | Environment | The Guardian

Daily Kos: What's Really Pissing Me Off

Daily Kos: What's Really Pissing Me Off: "For those who might suggest this is one of those damned 'social issues' that gets the Democrats in trouble on election day, let's not forget that it's at its core a class war, as Stupak-Pitts makes quite clear. Affluent women will always find a way to find a safe and legal abortion. Insurance or no insurance.

Stupak-Pitts may only be another nibble, but it is the cumulative effect that matters. Eventually, lots of little nibbles equal the entire pie. Those who say our vigorous, uncompromising opposition to it is an irrational overreaction ought to be ashamed of themselves."

Op-Ed Columnist - Paranoia Strikes Deep -

Op-Ed Columnist - Paranoia Strikes Deep - "the takeover of the Republican Party by the irrational right is no laughing matter"


Healthcare reform bill wouldn't end higher premiums based on age --

Healthcare reform bill wouldn't end higher premiums based on age -- "Under the provisions of the bill passed by the House on Saturday, as well as in the probable Senate version, insurers will be able to charge middle-aged consumers at least twice as much as they do younger customers.

And depending on the ultimate language of the Senate bill, insurers could be allowed to demand four or five times as much."

TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect

TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect: "It's pretty cramped underneath this bus, what with 50 percent of Americans down here."

Abortion Was at Heart of Wrangling -

Abortion Was at Heart of Wrangling - NYTimes.comWhat part of "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion" don't they understand?


You thought the US pledged 10% of its H1N1 vaccine to the WHO for developing countries? Bwa-ha-ha. You obviously mistook us for a country who was planning to donate something other than 10% of what we were going to throw away anyway.

Meanwhile, Australia is behaving "egregious[ly]" by not giving us all the vaccine we want, before they have enough. Shame on them.

Fort Hood has felt the strain of repeated deployments -

Fort Hood has felt the strain of repeated deployments - "The psychological toll on the all-volunteer force today is unprecedented, Army officials say, acknowledging that they do not know how much the Army can sustain before it breaks"

GRAIN | New from GRAIN | 10-2009 - Small farmers can cool the world

GRAIN | New from GRAIN | 10-2009 - Small farmers can cool the world: "Soils contain enormous amounts of carbon, mostly in the form of organic matter. Evidence provided in this issue of Seedling shows that industrial agriculture over the last half century has led to the leaching out into the atmosphere of large amounts of this carbon. A coordinated global programme, based on simple farming principles, could gradually put back into the soil the organic matter lost over past decades. Available data shows that within 50 years we could capture at least 450 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide, more than two thirds of the current excess CO2 in the atmosphere."

Gunman Kills 12 At Fort Hood Army Base, Suspect Alive -

Gunman Kills 12 At Fort Hood Army Base, Suspect Alive - "The incident raised new questions about the toll that six years of continuous fighting in Iraq and nearly eight years of fighting in Afghanistan have taken on the U.S. military and on individual soldiers, many of whom have been on several combat tours."


Florida's $250M Investment Bust - News Story - WFTV Orlando

Florida's $250M Investment Bust - News Story - WFTV Orlando: "state leaders knew the risks, including the declining market, soil contamination, lawsuits, and cash flow problems"

Property Appraiser's Staffers In Hot Water - News Story - WFTV Orlando

Property Appraiser's Staffers In Hot Water - News Story - WFTV Orlando: "raising funds for Republicans and campaigning for him all on the taxpayer's dime"


Lost in Transmission — FDA Drug Information That Never Reaches Clinicians | Health Care Reform 2009

Lost in Transmission — FDA Drug Information That Never Reaches Clinicians | Health Care Reform 2009

Junk Food Turns Rats Into Addicts / Science News

Junk Food Turns Rats Into Addicts / Science News
U.S. may end up discarding unused H1N1 vaccine - Yahoo! News: "'It's quite likely that too little vaccine is one of the things that's making people more interested in getting vaccinated, frankly,' [CDC Director Thomas] Frieden told reporters."

Scarcity creates demand, but winds up backfiring once people get tired of waiting and realize there's plenty to go around. What does this remind me of? Potato, potato, potato, swineflu.


Universal Coverage: A Revenue Windfall? - Prescriptions Blog - With universal coverage, "by 2020, there [would] be an additional 8.5 million workers over 65. And by 2030, an additional 16.8 million. That’s the lowest of three projected participation rates. We’re being conservative. The increased tax revenues would add $312 billion to the U.S. Treasury in 2020 alone and $927 billion in 2030."


The Super Green List: Connecting Human and Ocean Health | Seafood Watch | Monterey Bay Aquarium

The Super Green List: Connecting Human and Ocean Health | Seafood Watch | Monterey Bay Aquarium

California Investigating Voting Machine Audit Log Issue | Threat Level |

California Investigating Voting Machine Audit Log Issue | Threat Level | "the tabulation system used with all of the company’s touch-screen and optical scan machines fails to record crucial events, including the act of someone deleting votes from the system on election day. The logs also failed to who performed an action on the system and listed some events with the wrong date and timestamps."


AlterNet Slideshows: The Hounduras Coup

AlterNet Slideshows: The Honduras Coup A graphic history in 8 panels.

Newspapers can't put this much background in their stories, because readers' attention spans are too short.

3 Questions: Steven Nahn on the elusive Higgs boson

3 Questions: Steven Nahn on the elusive Higgs boson


POLITICS: U.S. Berated for Shielding Israel on Gaza Killings - IPS

POLITICS: U.S. Berated for Shielding Israel on Gaza Killings - IPS "That President Obama is receiving the Noble Peace prize after his failure to speak out during the Gaza war, and after his administration's protection of a state that has committed war crimes, is an abomination"

t r u t h o u t | McChrystal's 40,000 Troop Hoax

t r u t h o u t | McChrystal's 40,000 Troop Hoax
Why Your Idea to Save Journalism Won't Work (a checklist) - Boing Boing


Africa Drought 'Worst in Decades' - Yahoo! News

Africa Drought 'Worst in Decades' - Yahoo! News: "Drought and hunger are not new to this region of Africa, where many live on less than $1 a day earned through subsistence farming or animal herding. But climate change has made the situation worse, says CARE, which has been working in the region for decades....

It's the severity and unpredictability of weather in recent years that has turned the situation from difficult to disastrous."


Rubio: Republicans in Washington Are Shrill and Lazy | TPMDC

Rubio: Republicans in Washington Are Shrill and Lazy | TPMDC

Comparing Bush’s surge in Iraq to Obama’s deliberation over sending more troops to Afghanistan - By Tom Ricks | The Best Defense

Comparing Bush’s surge in Iraq to Obama’s deliberation over sending more troops to Afghanistan - By Tom Ricks | The Best Defense: "when Bush endorsed the surge, he was rejecting the advice of almost all his military advisors. By contrast, if Obama goes for a troop escalation, he will be embracing the recommendations of his generals." - Court Finds Offenders Can Be Subject to Voice Analysis to Detect Lies - Court Finds Offenders Can Be Subject to Voice Analysis to Detect Lies: "National Institute of Truth Verification"

UK Bank Card Fraud Reduction Attributed to Chip-and-PIN Cards | Threat Level |

UK Bank Card Fraud Reduction Attributed to Chip-and-PIN Cards | Threat Level | RFID is good for you.

Rockledge requires banks to register foreclosures | | FLORIDA TODAY

Rockledge requires banks to register foreclosures | | FLORIDA TODAY: "Backed by the teeth of a municipal ordinance, which makes mortgage holders subject to code enforcement citations and fines if they don't comply, the company makes contact with lenders.

Federal Property Registration Corp., a Melbourne-based company started in March by ex-bankers, charges lenders $150 to register the foreclosure in its database, which can be accessed by clients only and whose information won't be sold to third parties.

According to the Rockledge ordinance, the city gets half of the fee and the company takes half."

Gut Check: Here's the Meat of the Problem -

Gut Check: Here's the Meat of the Problem -

A Slick DVD Defends Racism | Hatewatch | Southern Poverty Law Center

A Slick DVD Defends Racism | Hatewatch | Southern Poverty Law Center

The Pueblo Chieftain :: Kidney disease has hit crisis stage, and demand for organs explodes

The Pueblo Chieftain :: Kidney disease has hit crisis stage, and demand for organs explodes

U.S. Department of Transportation Solicits Proposals From Small RFID Companies

U.S. Department of Transportation Solicits Proposals From Small RFID Companies: "includes a project for the development of a radio frequency-enabled license-plate system that would assist government agencies"

Informed Comment: ECC Will Count Fraudulent Ballots Against Candidates;
Obama won't Slash Troop Numbers

Informed Comment: ECC Will Count Fraudulent Ballots Against Candidates; Obama won't Slash Troop Numbers: "Meanwhile, NATO is pressuring Russia to supply more equipment and training to Afghanistan army troops. That is one of those ironic, science-fictional sentences that non-fiction authors seldom get to pen."

Why ad-blockers, ad-skippers and other user-control technologies are legal - Boing Boing

Why ad-blockers, ad-skippers and other user-control technologies are legal - Boing Boing

Richard Dreyfuss | Film | A.V. Club

Richard Dreyfuss | Film | A.V. Club: "[Bush] had crossed the line. He’d gotten so blatantly and brazenly disgusting that it was okay to vote for this black guy."

Energy savings
in black and white

Energy savings<br> in black and white

Homegrown Evolution: Least Favorite Plant: Tree of Heaven

Homegrown Evolution: Least Favorite Plant: Tree of Heaven

NASA Refines Asteroid Apophis' Path Toward Earth - NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

NASA Refines Asteroid Apophis' Path Toward Earth - NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory: "the asteroid is expected to make a record-setting -- but harmless -- close approach to Earth on Friday, April 13, 2029, when it comes no closer than 29,450 kilometers (18,300 miles) above Earth's surface." Harmless? Consider approximately 200 TV & telephone satellites orbit at 22,000 miles.


Surprise! Pakistan Siphoned off Billions in U.S. Military Aid | Danger Room |

Surprise! Pakistan Siphoned off Billions in U.S. Military Aid | Danger Room | - A Petition Establishing Health Care as a Civil Right - A Petition Establishing Health Care as a Civil Right

Somali president to appeal to local community | The Columbus Dispatch

Somali president to appeal to local community | The Columbus Dispatch: "The U.S. government supports Ahmed's efforts, having recently shipped 40 tons of weapons to Somalia."

Informed Comment: On How Iran is a Military Nothing despite What Propagandists Say;
and on How Even Israel Dwarfs Iran Militarily in Every Way that Matters

Informed Comment: On How Iran is a Military Nothing despite What Propagandists Say; <br> and on How Even Israel Dwarfs Iran Militarily in Every Way that Matters

The GOP's New Foreign Policy: Undermine American Diplomacy | TPMDC

The GOP's New Foreign Policy: Undermine American Diplomacy | TPMDC

Untitled Document

Untitled Document: "This small, sixteen-page pamphlet is produced to put inside the postage-paid, business-reply envelopes that come with junk mail offers. Every envelope collected is stuffed with the pamphlet and mailed back to its original company."

Lottery Winner Shot By Deputies Wins In Court - News Story - WFTV Orlando

Lottery Winner Shot By Deputies Wins In Court - News Story - WFTV Orlando "the lotto killa"

Apple Granted Patent on iGlasses - Apple - Gawker

Apple Granted Patent on iGlasses - Apple - Gawker

Informed Comment: The Most Dangerous Nuclear Facility in the Middle East

Informed Comment: The Most Dangerous Nuclear Facility in the Middle East

ArmsControlWonk: Qom Enrichment Facility Roundup

ArmsControlWonk: Qom Enrichment Facility Roundup: "Welcome to enrichment whack-a-mole where, if you miss, Iran gets the bomb."

TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect

TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect

The Rural Brain Drain - The Chronicle Review - The Chronicle of Higher Education

The Rural Brain Drain - The Chronicle Review - The Chronicle of Higher Education


By Degrees - A Plugged-In World, With a Hunger for Electricity - Series - "the nation’s gaming consoles, like the Xbox 360 from Microsoft and the Sony PlayStation 3, now use about the same amount of electricity each year as San Diego, the ninth-largest city in country."

She posts from the laptop that she only sometimes remembers to switch off the power strip at night.


The Columbus Dispatch : FORECLOSED: high-end homes

The Columbus Dispatch : FORECLOSED: high-end homes: "Mr. Means, 52, is a managing director with Amherst Partners, a mergers-and-acquisitions company based in Birmingham, Mich. Mrs. Means, also 52, is a real-estate agent with Street Sotheby's International Realty in Upper Arlington; she specializes in million-dollar-plus homes." AKA "the losers" in Santelli''s rant.


Christian attorney: Why I think Rifqa Bary's mother is in the right - St. Petersburg Times

Christian attorney: Why I think Rifqa Bary's mother is in the right - St. Petersburg Times: "the Lord is not so powerless as to need people to hide information, to embellish facts, or to give false witness in order to advance Christ's kingdom."


Books - One Injury, 10 Countries - A Journey in Health Care - Review -

Books - One Injury, 10 Countries - A Journey in Health Care - Review - "A person’s last days can be spent in any number of ways. But on the phone pleading with an insurer, that’s only in America."


Eight years after 9/11, a growing organization of building trades professionals suspect that there was more to the event than the government will admit | News & Culture | Feature Story

Eight years after 9/11, a growing organization of building trades professionals suspect that there was more to the event than the government will admit | News & Culture | Feature Story

The Washington Independent » Whistleblowers Unveil More ArmorGroup Allegations

The Washington Independent » Whistleblowers Unveil More ArmorGroup Allegations: "recurring evidence that ArmorGroup employees continued to solicit prostitutes and perhaps even run their own prostitution services. A trainee boasted to Gordon “that he could purchase a girl for $20,000 and turn a profit after a month." - Arraignment Scheduled for Former Pa. Judges on Racketeering Charges - Arraignment Scheduled for Former Pa. Judges on Racketeering Charges: "funneling money from Robert J. Powell, the co-owner of two private juvenile detention facilities, and Robert K. Mericle, the builder of those facilities"

Middle East Online

Middle East Online
What Role Did the US-Israeli Relationship Play in 9-11?

Middle East Online

Middle East Online "Institutional Islamophobia and the Politics of a Minor's Choice"

Police refute report that men on terror watch list photographed speedway --

Police refute report that men on terror watch list photographed speedway -- "It didn't happen." says Deputy Police Chief. - SEC Attacked for 'Colossal Failure' Over Madoff - SEC Attacked for 'Colossal Failure' Over Madoff: "Inexperience. Incompetence. Laziness."


A Few Good Kids? | Mother Jones

A Few Good Kids? | Mother Jones

Op-Ed Contributor - Ike’s Other Warning -

Op-Ed Contributor - Ike’s Other Warning - "dictatorial systems make one contribution to their people which leads them to tend to support such systems — freedom from the necessity of informing themselves and making up their own minds"


Defense Contracting in Afghanistan at Record High | Secrecy News

Defense Contracting in Afghanistan at Record High | Secrecy News: "abuses and crimes committed by armed private security contractors and interrogators against local nationals may have undermined U.S. efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan"


This Week In Depressing Polls - Birthers - Gawker

This Week In Depressing Polls - Birthers - Gawker: "6% of poll respondents think that Hawaii is not part of the country and 4% are unsure."

Friday - Former exec: Insurers fomenting town hall chaos - Former exec: Insurers fomenting town hall chaos

Paul Krassner: On the 40th Anniversary of Woodstock

Paul Krassner: On the 40th Anniversary of Woodstock: "It's not that we hate America, it's that we feel the American dream has been betrayed, and we will live our alternative."

Grand Junction a microcosm of efficient healthcare --

Grand Junction a microcosm of efficient healthcare -- "'The interesting thing about healthcare,' ErkenBrack said, 'is quality costs less.'"

Op-Ed Columnist - Republican Death Trip -

Op-Ed Columnist - Republican Death Trip - "an unending procession of wild charges and fake scandals, dutifully given credence by major media organizations that somehow can’t bring themselves to declare the accusations unequivocally false."


Flash Cookie Researchers Spark Quantcast Change | Epicenter |

Flash Cookie Researchers Spark Quantcast Change | Epicenter |

Why Climate Change Is Even Worse Than We Feared | Newsweek Voices - Sharon Begley |

Why Climate Change Is Even Worse Than We Feared | Newsweek Voices - Sharon Begley |

"Now Don't You Let the Government Get a Hold of My Medicare" : CJR

"Now Don't You Let the Government Get a Hold of My Medicare" : CJR: "Welcome to the brave new world of politics, full of rants (mostly inarticulate) and chants (mostly inarticulate) and misinformation (mostly quite articulate)"

NASA - Satellites Unlock Secret to Northern India's Vanishing Water

NASA - Satellites Unlock Secret to Northern India's Vanishing Water: "groundwater levels in northern India have been declining by as much as one foot per year over the past decade. Researchers concluded the loss is almost entirely due to human activity."

New SPLC Report: Return of the Militias | Hatewatch | Southern Poverty Law Center

New SPLC Report: Return of the Militias | Hatewatch | Southern Poverty Law Center: "made up of present and former police officers and soldiers."

Diebold Quietly Patches Security Flaw in Vote Counting Software | Threat Level |

Diebold Quietly Patches Security Flaw in Vote Counting Software | Threat Level |


Op-Ed Contributor - Is It Now a Crime to Be Poor? -

Op-Ed Contributor - Is It Now a Crime to Be Poor? - "Maybe we can’t afford the measures that would begin to alleviate America’s growing poverty — affordable housing, good schools, reliable public transportation and so forth. I would argue otherwise, but for now I’d be content with a consensus that, if we can’t afford to truly help the poor, neither can we afford to go on tormenting them."

Click, click ... counting down to Cyber 9/11

Click, click ... counting down to Cyber 9/11


Giant Ocean-Trash Vortex Attracts Explorers

Giant Ocean-Trash Vortex Attracts Explorers: "Pacific Ocean trash dump twice the size of Texas"


Why we learn more from our successes than our failures - MIT News Office

Why we learn more from our successes than our failures - MIT News Office: "Brain cells may only learn from experience when we do something right and not when we fail."

The Columbus Dispatch : Job trend damaging Ohio's kids

The Columbus Dispatch : Job trend damaging Ohio's kids: "More than a third of Ohio's children in 2007 -- nearly 1 million -- were living in families where no parent had a full-time, year-round job." Blame Obama!


Books - At What Height, Happiness? A Medical Tale - Review -

Books - At What Height, Happiness? A Medical Tale - Review - "One exasperated pediatrician, musing on whether outcome justified cost, suggested a clinical trial to settle the question: one group of tiny boys would get growth hormone and each boy in the other group would each get $100,000 cash. Who would be happier and healthier 20 years down the line?"

The Cowboys of Kabul | Mother Jones

The Cowboys of Kabul | Mother Jones

Recession hurting kids (The Daily Briefing)

Recession hurting kids (The Daily Briefing): "More than a third of Ohio children - 34 percent - were living in families where no parent had a full-time, year-round job in 2007.

That's up from 30 percent in 2000 and should come as little surprise as the state has been hemorrhaging jobs for years."

Look out, gov - the ex-gov is comin'! (The Daily Briefing)

Look out, gov - the ex-gov is comin'! (The Daily Briefing): "It’s the southerners. They get on TV and go 'errrr, errrrr.' People hear them and say, ‘These people, they’re southerners. The party’s being taken over by southerners."

Global Fiducials Library

Global Fiducials Library


Lenders failed to heed red flags | | Sarasota Florida | Southwest Florida's Information Leader

Lenders failed to heed red flags | | Sarasota Florida | Southwest Florida's Information Leader

Robin Wells: Hard Truths and the Teachable Moment: The Gates-Crowley Saga

Robin Wells: Hard Truths and the Teachable Moment: The Gates-Crowley Saga: "As long as we walk around with a sense of grievance - notice the word shares the same root as 'grief' - we're going to make ourselves the victims of those who are stuck in their own ignorance and pig-headedness. The difficult fact is that to let go of grievance requires us to become generous, even when we're the wronged party. In each and every moment - and particularly in moments like these - we choose who we're going to be."

Sports Misogyny and the Court of Public Opinon | The American Prospect

Sports Misogyny and the Court of Public Opinon | The American Prospect


Wayne County Star

Wayne County Star: "One post pretended to be from a woman with a Mexican boyfriend; the other two posts insinuated the boat had come from Cuba, berated farmers, accused them of breaking the law and praised the Border Patrol for doing a good job.
The posts, which were made anonymously on June 20 and 21, identified themselves on the public part of the website with fake Internet addresses:, and The Star discovered they all had Internet protocol addresses that showed as originating from"


Special alloy sleeves urged to block hackers?

Special alloy sleeves urged to block hackers?: "when the sleeves come off, 'you're essentially saying to the world, 'Come and read what's in my wallet,'"


Congressman Dennis Kucinich

Congressman Dennis Kucinich: "It sets targets that are too weak, especially in the short term, and sets about meeting those targets through Enron-style accounting methods."



Body of lies: Patients aren't 100% honest with doctors - Los Angeles Times: "Peter Clarke, director of the Center for Health and Medical Communication at USC,... suggests patients have two sets of medical records, a private one between patient and doctor and another for sharing with others.... 'If your physician won't do that, it's reason enough to leave the physician.'"



SCOTUSblog: "in an eleven-year career on the Second Circuit, Judge Sotomayor has participated in roughly 100 panel decisions involving questions of race and has disagreed with her colleagues in those cases (a fair measure of whether she is an outlier) a total of 4 times. Only one case (Gant) in that entire eleven years actually involved the question whether race discrimination may have occurred. (In another case (Pappas) she dissented to favor a white bigot.) She participated in two other panels rejecting district court rulings agreeing with race-based jury-selection claims. Given that record, it seems absurd to say that Judge Sotomayor allows race to infect her decisionmaking."


The Washington Independent » Coal, Electric Industries Big Winners in Climate Bill Deal

The Washington Independent » Coal, Electric Industries Big Winners in Climate Bill Deal: "partisan politics takes a backseat to regional interests, and the influence of the energy lobby is king. Indeed, the concessions from Waxman and Markey to this point have been made to satisfy Democrats representing regions heavy with coal, oil and automaker interests."


"Omnivore's Dilemma" Author Michael Pollan's New Advice on Buying Food: "Don't Buy Any Food You've Ever Seen Advertised"

"Omnivore's Dilemma" Author Michael Pollan's New Advice on Buying Food: "Don't Buy Any Food You've Ever Seen Advertised"

The List : CJR

The List : CJR: "a comprehensive catalog of relevant stories produced by major business-news outlets on the lending industry and Wall Street during the run-up to the mortgage crisis."

Power Problem : CJR

Power Problem : CJR
"We citizens, like it or not, rely on journalists to provide word of rampant wrongdoing, and now we find ourselves well beyond the worst of all worst-case scenarios, caused, by general consensus, to an overwhelming degree by this most central of business-press beats: finance."


Who Will Be at the Table? : CJR

Who Will Be at the Table? : CJR: "Baucus evicts single-payer advocates from his hearing"



Apparatchiks - Paul Krugman Blog -

Apparatchiks - Paul Krugman Blog - "We wonder how someone as hapless as John Boehner could be minority leader, why one Congressman after another abjectly apologizes to Rush Limbaugh, and so on; the answer is that they’re hollow men, careerists who thought they had a safe ride."



SCOTUSblog: Scalia: "the “charade of officer safety” ... should be abandoned in favor of the rule that the majority ultimately adopts in its opinion."

Think Progress » Harman: ‘I’m Just Very Disappointed’ NSA Wiretapped Me, After I Voted To Allow Them To

Think Progress » Harman: ‘I’m Just Very Disappointed’ NSA Wiretapped Me, After I Voted To Allow Them To: "This legislation arms our intelligence professionals with the ability to listen to foreign targets -- without a warrant -- to uncover plots that threaten US national security."


The Columbus Dispatch : Work on I-71 runs into dead end

The Columbus Dispatch : Work on I-71 runs into dead end: "So weighty was the decision to widen the highway that a train was once approved to ferry passengers daily between Columbus and Cleveland to help relieve traffic during the construction. After cost projections for the train service increased, ODOT dropped funding for it in 2000."
If only they dropped funding for the road and kept the train.

CQ Politics | Sources: Wiretap Recorded Rep. Harman Promising to Intervene for AIPAC

CQ Politics | Sources: Wiretap Recorded Rep. Harman Promising to Intervene for AIPAC


Despite economy, developers want to build on Florida land - St. Petersburg Times

Despite economy, developers want to build on Florida land - St. Petersburg Times 630,000 new homes planned for 410,000 acres, landowners fear Hometown Democracy amendment will pass in 2010.


The People's Bank of China--Speeches

The People's Bank of China--Speeches: "The outbreak of the crisis and its spillover to the entire world reflect the inherent vulnerabilities and systemic risks in the existing international monetary system." Who could have seen this coming?

Should Obama Apologize to G20 for America?: Tech Ticker, Yahoo! Finance

Should Obama Apologize to G20 for America?: Tech Ticker, Yahoo! Finance April fools!
DiD US Presidential Election 2008 バラク・オバマ Obama action figure doll.


The Sentencing Project - News Details

The Sentencing Project - News Details: "The U.S. prison and jail population has reached a record high exceeding 2.3 million people"


The Atlantic Online | May 2009 | The Quiet Coup | Simon Johnson

The Atlantic Online | May 2009 | The Quiet Coup | Simon Johnson: "In a society that celebrates the idea of making money, it was easy to infer that the interests of the financial sector were the same as the interests of the country—and that the winners in the financial sector knew better what was good for America than did the career civil servants in Washington."


Obama Intelligence Nominee Withdraws - The Daily Beast

Obama Intelligence Nominee Withdraws - The Daily Beast
Big Pharma bulks up with Merck-Schering deal - Los Angeles Times: "The pending deals are expected to result in at least 35,000 job losses, mostly in the U.S. -- helped in part by the government's bailout efforts....
The deals would be virtually impossible to complete if the banks had not received money from the Treasury Department under the Troubled Asset Relief Program."


1 in 31 U.S. Adults are Behind Bars, on Parole or Probation

1 in 31 U.S. Adults are Behind Bars, on Parole or Probation

Getting Prepared for the Great Collapse: Dmitry Orlov

Getting Prepared for the Great Collapse: Dmitry Orlov "So that's what we have now. The ship is on the rocks, water is rising, and the captain is shouting "Full steam ahead! We are sailing to Afghanistan!" Do you listen to Ahab up on the bridge, or do you desert your post in the engine room and go help deploy the lifeboats? If you thought that the previous episode of uncontrolled debt expansion, globalized Ponzi schemes, and economic hollowing-out was silly, then I predict that you will find this next episode of feckless grasping at macroeconomic straws even sillier. Except that it won't be funny: what is crashing now is our life support system: all the systems and institutions that are keeping us alive. And so I don't recommend passively standing around and watching the show ¬ unless you happen to have a death wish."


Barack Obama is @#$% tired of this @#$%!: "(Or, a NSFW plan to ram the stimulus bill home, told via downloadable mp3 ring tones.) You ain't my b****, n****, buy your own d*** fries."



The Journal Goes Frontline : CJR

The Journal Goes Frontline : CJR: "the big problem, which goes unmentioned here, is wage stagnation for everybody but the top one or two percent. I’m not denying that lots of us have overspent, but real wages have gone nowhere over the last four decades, and declined over the last several years."